How to find us
The Festival is based at the University of Hull. The Discovery Zone – takes place in the Wilberforce Building. Shows, and workshops will take place in other venues on campus. Please see each event for booking details. Students and staff will be on hand on the day to point you in the right direction.

By car
We have plenty of free carparking available on campus for the Science Festival. Enter the University by the Cottingham Road entrance – look for the iconic heads at the front of the Business School – or by the North Entrance on Inglemire Lane.
By bike
We have plenty of cycle racks across the campus
By bus
The number 103/105 bus from Paragon Interchange stops outside the main entrance to the University of Hull on Cottingham Road.
Eating out and refreshments
Visit any of the cafes, coffee shops or the student union shop on our campus for drinks, snacks or lunch.